Senior content and social media editor for FinTech startup, Loot

The ask

At Loot, the mission was to ‘Empower young people to know more about their spending so they can do more with their money‘ by using a money management app.

During my time as a senior editor, I was tasked with creating the content, social and communications strategy for the whole company to work towards retention and acquisition. I worked on large scale marketing campaigns creating assets and content plans. I also owned the email campaigns.

I was also editor-in-chief of the company magazine, managing a team of writers, budgets and content schedules.

The outcome

Below is the landing page for the web app (left) and an email campaign (right).

Alongside a designer, I was tasked with creating social assets that communicated the product offering whilst speaking in a way that our demographic would relate to and engage with. We predominantly worked on Instagram.

As the editor of SKINT, it was important to ensure that the content was suited to the 18-24 year old demographic, whilst staying on-brand and abreast of trends that were impacting this group of people.

My job involved creating the content and social strategy, the content calendars for all channels and their execution. On a daily basis, I would commission, edit and write articles and social copy most often about money, wellbeing, lifestyle, opinion and culture.

Through analysing daily recorded data and metrics, I was able to increase engagement and retention. I also worked closely with the design team and marketing team.